In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful!
In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful!
The Lost-Found Nation of Islam will not return to their original land unless they have a thorough knowledge of their own. So they sent a Messenger to them to teach them of their own."
"My name is W.F. Muhammad. I came to North America by Myself. My uncle was brought over here by the trader three hundred and seventy-nine years ago. He does not know that he is my uncle." Master Fard Muhammad was born in the Holy City of Mecca, Arabia, February 26, 1877. He was prepared by His Father for a very special mission. This special mission was in fulfillment of the prophecies to search throughout the Earth to find that which was lost. He was to restore the Lost and Found members of the Nation of Islam from the Tribe of Shabazz.
In search of the Lost Sheep, His travels took Him to the Isles of the Pacific, Central and South America, the jungles of Africa, all of Asia, and to both the North and South Poles. He speaks sixteen different languages, and writes ten of them perfectly. • Master Fard Muhammad traveled back and forth to America for twenty years before making himself known on July 4, 1930. He began to teach the Lost-Found Nation of Islam the knowledge of Self and others, and their true religion - Islam. He began teaching His People by going door to door as a silk peddler. He was first known as Prophet W.D. Fard.
Prior to His departure in 1934, He signed His full name as Wallace Fard Muhammad. In 1931, during a meeting, a Black man from among the Lost Sheep by the name of Elijah Poole, accepted His Own. During the acceptance period, Elijah went up to W.D. Fard, shook His hand and whispered, "I know who You are. You are the One that was expected to come at the end of the world." W.D. Fard looked around to see if anyone else heard what he said and responded in a whisper, "Yes. I am that One. But who else knows but yourself? Elijah began to study in the student ministry class. W.D. Fard found in Elijah an eagerness to learn and recognized the special quality of his heart. He taught Elijah nearly night and day, for 3 years and 4 months, on our history, the measurement of the Universe, and how He would separate us from our oppressors and destroy them.
He taught Elijah the proper foods to eat, how to pray, and the proper behavior of civilized people. W.D. Fard spent 3/4 of His time teaching Elijah about the life of the Hereafter. Master Fard Muhammad paid a tremendous price for our redemption. He allowed Himself to be persecuted at the hand of our enemy. He was sent to jail in 1932 and ordered out of Detroit on May 26, 1933. In 1933, He came to Chicago and was arrested almost immediately upon His arrival. He submitted Himself "With all humbleness to His persecutors and sent for Elijah so that he could see and learn the price of truth and what he himself would later have to suffer. His love for us is so great that He said, He would "walk a mountain 40 miles high and eat rattle snakes just to teach one of us.
Prior to His departure in 1934, W.D. Fard appointed Elijah Muhammad to be the Supreme Minister of the Nation of Islam. He left Elijah with the mission of resurrecting His people. It was not until He departed that His true identity was made known. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad revealed to us, and to the world, that the Man who had mysteriously appeared was in fact, God in Person, the long awaited "Mahdi" of the Muslims and the "Messiah" of the Christians. Master Wallace Fard Muhammad is the Holy One that the world has been expecting for the past 2000 years. The Great Mahdi is now present working His Wisdom in bringing in a New World. Behold, He makes all things new.
There will be a new Heaven and a new Earth where human misery will become a thing of the past. He has come to wipe away our tears, and to remove the scars of sickness and death. All Praise belongs to Allah, the One God, the Supreme Being, the Mighty, The Wise, the Best Knower, and the Light, the Life Giver, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. "Therefore if we had not this understanding we are yet blind to Him that has come to save us. For this is our Saviour's desire that we should know Him as our God and Saviour and that besides Him there is no Saviour for us. "
Mid-Atlantic Ministry of Information
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