In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful!
In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful!
In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful
All praise is due to Allah The Lord of the worlds, the most beneficent the most merciful, Master of the day of requital. Thee alone do we serve and Thee alone do we beseech for help. Guide us on the right path, the path of those upon whom Thou hadst bestowed favors, not of those upon whom Thou has brought down the wrath, nor of those who go astray.
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Brother Jabril: Brother Minister, you have been "ill" for the last few years. What are just some of the immediate lessons you would like to share with others about going through such an experience? What comes immediately to your mind about how to help them get through such an experience?
Minister Farrakhan: Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, "He created man and woman to face difficulty." In another place it says "Allah has ordained struggle." I've never read it in the Qur'an, but it's there in other words, that Allah has ordained pain as the mother of new realities. So we cannot go through life without pain. We cannot go through life without struggle. God has ordained this because these are the circumstances of life that manifest the quality of our character, our heart, the core of our being. If the heart is diseased, the person is indeed ill.
When a misfortune befalls the Believer, the Holy Qur'an says "Allah is my patron and to Him is my eventual return." What beautiful words. He's my patron. He's my back. He's my support. He's my friend.
Well if my eventual return is to Him, what are the events that come up in my life that might bring me to the point of return? If I am ugly over an event in my life that suggests return, then I'm not really a true Believer in God. If I go through that difficulty with an improper attitude, then is makes manifest a core sickness in myself, as an individual.
Minister Farrakhan plays Beethoven on his violin and in concerto!
Embrace your soul with beautiful, breath-taking melody!
A powerful, spiritually-reassuring and captivating lecture, which instills courage, and will surely help restore faith and a eagerness for truth.! "A must-have in your library to assist you in achieving your goals in life, providing moral character, discipline and just an excellent guide in helping in spiritual growth and development. Please replay this at any moment in your life wherein you feel discouraged, fearful or perhaps dishonest. Play this essential teaching from the Honorable Minister Farrakhan as often as you can. " Bro. Steven
This mind-rejuvenating platform focuses on all things related to healing. On this episode Min. Ishmael Muhammad will be discussing how TRUE healing begins once you learn to submit your will to do the will of GOD; a healing journey to oneness with self and Allah(God) & SO MUCH MORE 💎 Enjoy this powerful discussion and be sure to share and subscribe!
Enjoy the serenity of a clean environment! We’re ready to show you step-by-step how to get every inch of your home spotless in a simple, inexpensive, non-toxic and eco-friendly way. So, grab your cleaning gloves…and let’s get it clean!learn to submit your will to do the will of GOD; a healing journey to oneness with self and Allah(God) & SO MUCH MORE 💎 Enjoy this powerful discussion and be sure to share and subscribe!
Oh Allah! I seek Thy refuge from anxiety and grief and I seek Thy refuge from lack of strength and laziness and I seek Thy refuge from cowardice and niggardliness and I seek Thy refuge from being overpowered by debt and the oppression of men. Oh Allah! Suffice Thou me with what is lawful to keep me away from what is prohibited and with Thy grace make me free of want of what is beside Thee. Ameen!
"We - The Lost Found - Should repeat the above prayer seven times a day. For it sums up our greatest hindrance to freedom and self-independence."
- The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, 'MESSAGE TO THE BLACKMAN' , Page 152
What you put in your body impacts your physical and mental wellness. Eat the right foods at the right time and watch your thinking and overall health improve. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that eating one-meal-a-day can lengthen your life, heal your body, and help you to master self-discipline.
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Minister Farrakhan - Closing The Gap Continued Pages 307 - 308:
Whatever your lot is in life, the attitude that you take toward the thing that God has permitted in our life, that you may have brought about, or that God brought about or permitted to be brought about, however you look at it, the Holy Qur'an says "Good is from Allah, misfortune is from Allah. It is all from Allah."
Even though sometimes we have a hand in producing our misfortune, yet, it could not happen unless Allah permits it. So He takes full responsibility. So now, what is your attitude? How do you like that? OK, I'm going to let your own foolishness bring something on you. How do you like that?
"God, why me? I always knew you didn't love me. I always knew you didn't care about me. I hate you God. I love my daughter, I love my son. Why did you take my son? Why did you take my daughter? Oh, my God I served you well. I prayed. I did all of this. Now, I find I got cancer. I got multiple sclerosis. I got this disease or that disease."
Hush. Hush. Hush. Yes. But the worse disease you could have is a disease of the heart, which the manifestation of physical illness has brought about or made manifest in you.
So I thanked Allah, that when I was at the doorway of death I never asked Him to spare my life. I thanked Him for my life. I thanked Him for allowing me the privilege of living in the majesty of His universe and beholding His greatness. I thanked Him for allowing me to serve and I thanked Him for the pain that I was suffering and it was excruciating. It was my attitude that even further purified my heart for greater service for God.
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